Switching to a Mac is one of the best decisions that I've made in terms of technology. Not only are Macs much cheaper than PCs, but they're also much more user friendly and offer many more features and benefits than even the most powerful PC can provide.
The problem that many people have is that they don't know what it's about time to learn the switch to Mac. In fact, I can't tell you how many emails and messages I've gotten from people asking me this exact question. After all, Macs are great, but when you're trying to find the features you need to make your computer run faster, smoother, and with more functionality, do you really want to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a new computer? That's why many people turn to Linux to be their main computer operating system, but I think it's a mistake that many people should avoid.
A quick look at Linux, however, shows that it's not nearly as user friendly as it's been portrayed to be in the past. This is because while Linux has its share of awesome features, it doesn't have all of them. And this is where people go wrong. If you take a few minutes to learn the basics of Macs and find out what it's about time to learn the switch to Mac. You'll soon realize that you're wasting money and your time that could be better spent finding and using the more advanced Mac features that are available for free. It's not too late, though.